What are the most common causes of anxiety disorder? Get to know the causes now!

Feeling anxious or overwhelmed on occasion is very normal. However, if this feeling continues to grapple you, then this condition is called anxiety disorder. This psychological condition can have a profound impact on your life as it can ruin your focus, making it challenging to perform everyday tasks. But what kindles this fiery adversary within us? Let’s understand the most common causes of anxiety Sandy Springs.
The 10 Most Common Causes of Anxiety Disorder:
Role of Genetics: Family ties run deep, and so can the threads of anxiety. Genetics is a latent factor that can pass down anxiety from one generation to the next. So, if you have a family history of anxiety, there is an increased likelihood of experiencing heightened levels of anxiety.
Brain Chemistry: Neurotransmitters, the messengers in your brain, hold sway over your emotions. Sometimes, an imbalance in these messengers can lead to anxiety’s onset. When the signals go awry, anxiety can take center stage.
Aggravating Stress: The stress of daily life may build up like a wall of bricks. Anxiety is a common response to prolonged stress. Short deadlines, interpersonal tensions, and regular stresses may all contribute to an anxious state of mind.
Mental Trauma: Past wounds can cast long shadows on your mental stability. Physical or emotional trauma, especially in childhood, can leave scars that manifest as anxiety. Reliving those moments can be like opening the door to anxious feelings.
Health Woes: The body and mind share an intricate relationship. Health issues can tip the scales toward anxiety. Chronic illnesses, hormonal imbalances, or even a bout of fever can trigger feelings of unease.
Substance Use: Seeking solace in substances can lead down a treacherous path. Despite their apparent short-term calming effects, substances like alcohol and even coffee may trap you in a vicious cycle of elevated anxiety.
Personality Reasons: When it comes to our personalities, we’re all different. Anxiety affects the lives of certain people more than others, particularly those with perfectionist, pessimistic, or overly anxious dispositions.
Environmental Factors: There is an invisible hand at work in your environment. Anxiety may flourish in settings that are chaotic or overstimulating or in which people have experienced catastrophic experiences like natural disasters.
Life Transitions: The unpredictability of life’s changes might unsettle your equilibrium. Moving, changing jobs, or experiencing a major life change may all stir up worry.
Overthinking: Anxiety can thrive in minds that ponder too much. Adding fuel to the fire of worry is doing an over-analysis of the situation and visualizing the worst-case scenario.
If you recognize the above-mentioned triggers of anxiety disorder, you can deftly handle the situation. Remember that several lifestyle modifications and professional counseling can help you overcome anxiety.